Thursday, July 25, 2024

One Delay Is Not Enough

I think I've made it abundantly clear that I'm a fan of Gary Moore. Along my journey of building guitar pedal clones I've been known to build a few pedals simply because they were on Gary Moore's pedalboard. The newest addition to that club is my Deep Blue Delay clone. Although I've already built a few delay pedals, that doesn't mean I shouldn't build another one. Right? My delay pedal journey started with a cheap one I bought off Scamazon, then I built my Disaster Transport Jr., then the Faux Analog Echo, and I like them all. These are all PT2399 based delays, but they still all have their own thing. I've never used an analog delay, so I can't say how closely an PT2399 based delay comes to sounding like an analog, but the repeats don't sound perfectly replicated as it decays, so it's at least trying.

The day started out sunny and comfortable, so I decided to get out and build the Deep Blue Delay. Everything went fine, actually better than I expected. When testing time came I used one of the fake TL072s from Scamazon I have an abundance of, to see if the pedal passed sound. Thankfully it did. Then I installed the PT2399 to see if it would echo, which it did. Except... the repeat control did nothing and the repeats were a bit lower than the dry signal, even when Mix was maxed out. I did a quick knifing between the gaps and realized I didn't put a resistor where it actually should go. One mistake is all it takes! I moved the resistor up one spot and voila! It works perfectly now. The repeats can now be varied, and the volume of the delays came up too. It's a really nice delay!

When it came to the op-amp in this one, it was suggested to use an OP275 or AD712, which wasn't going to happen. I know when a circuit doesn't have a lot of gain one of my fake TL072s will work just fine. It's a delay pedal, not a distortion, so I'm glad these fake chips are useful for something at least. I still have one more PT2399 that I'm not sure what to do with, but I'm sure I'll find it a purpose at some point. I truly think unless it's a Memory Man clone I don't need any more delay pedals. I say that now, but the future is always probable to change.

This is circuit build number 115. Remember when I was excited to get my 100th build completed and be completely done with builds? HA! I was so naive a few months ago. With 115 builds done, I have 15 builds left to go. I know, I know. Trust me, I know. I'm currently going through a bit of a phase with two well known, and easily modded, circuits. I'll be posting more about them in their own entries later.

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